
How to Smooth the Face Skin Quickly and Simply for Women?

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Smooth the Face Skin Quickly and Simply for Women
How to Smooth the Face Skin Quickly and Simply for Women?

How to smooth the skin quickly and simply is a desire for most women, but it is not uncommon for men to want to have smooth facial skin. In accordance with our topic of "women" then this review that we will serve is also still about women's lives, this time we raised a review about smoothing the skin quickly and simply. But before we review how to smooth the skin of the face it does not harm if you look at our previous articles that you may be looking for.

Smooth the Face Skin Quickly and Simply for Women

Beauty tips and how to smooth the facial skin below are recommendations by most dermatologists to smooth the face skin quickly and simply. The ways below are certainly safe because they do not use any chemicals. Previously let's look at the factors that cause our facial skin is not smooth.

1. AGE 

The smoothness of facial skin will change with your age when your baby's skin must be very smooth but after old, your skin will definitely wrinkle, dry, and dull. this factor is not a factor that we can avoid, but we can minimalism.

2. Genetic Factors

If your father or mother has facial skin that is not smooth there is a possibility if you will inherit these properties, with a note that the skin is not smooth face is caused by internal factors (acne, etc.) not the external factor (accident, etc.)


This is a factor that greatly affects the smoothness of your face. if you maintain the cleanliness of the skin then most likely the skin will always be smooth as well as vice versa.

And this is what we are waiting for, which is how to smooth the skin quickly and simply. 

How to Smooth Facial Skin

The first to use honey

It is already a common secret if honey is very beneficial for our body, one of which is for the health of the facial skin. then it is natural if many cosmetic manufacturers use honey as one of the ingredients to smooth facial skin. Honey is beneficial for the health and smoothness of the skin because it has a very diverse content of vitamins (A, B1, B2, B3, B5, B6, D, K, E). honey can be used to our skin by applying it to the surface of the skin and let stand for approximately 15 minutes, after which rinse with cold water, do it regularly.

How to smooth the skin of the second face with bananas. 

This is the fastest way to smooth the skin of the face. bananas are not only as foodstuffs but can also be used as face masks and their properties have been proven by many people. The banana mask can be made by boiling 2-3 bananas. once cooked crush roughly and apply on the skin that feels rough. do it every week then you will feel the difference.

Next with the chicken egg whites

The chicken egg whites are efficacious to close the pores of the large skin. Native chicken egg whites can be used as masks in a very simple way that is separating between the yolk and egg whites and then applies on the surface of the rough skin.

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