
5 Amazing Benefits Of Apple Vinegar For Beauty

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Benefits Of Apple Vinegar For Beauty
5 Amazing Benefits Of Apple Vinegar For Beauty

Some of you are familiar with Apple Cider Vinegar or commonly known as apple vinegar. A natural ingredient often used as a salad dressing is vinegar obtained from a long fermentation process that leaves components such as acetic acid, gallic acid, and catechins.

Benefits Of Apple Vinegar For Beauty

This apple vinegar is quite popular because of its content which is believed to be good for health. In addition, apple vinegar can also eliminate various facial skin problems. Let's check out the 5 benefits of apple vinegar for the following face.

1. Fight Acne

Apple vinegar can be an alternative to a powerful natural ingredient in killing bacteria, overcoming inflammation, and preventing the onset of acne. This is because the content of acetic acid, citrate, lactate, and lysine in apple vinegar is proven to be able to eradicate acne-causing bacteria.

Other ingredients such as Alpha Hydroxy Acid and Acetic Acid also keep the pores of the face skin free from acne, dust, and pollution-causing bacteria. How to use it by mixing 1 spoonful of apple vinegar with 2 spoons of water, apply on acne using a cotton swab.

2. Fade black stains on the face

Blackened acne scars and spots of premature aging are certainly very annoying, you can use apple vinegar to fade the black stains by cleaning the face with apple vinegar that has been mixed with water. Hydroxy acid content in apple vinegar is able to eliminate dead skin cells and accelerate skin regeneration.

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3. Balancing the pH of the skin

Often the skin feels a little drier or too oily, it occurs due to the imbalance of pH on the skin. The use of facial toner using apple vinegar is very suitable for oily skin because it can balance the oil content in the facial skin. Apple vinegar is astringent, helping to reduce excess oil production on the face, and shrink pores.

4. Exfoliate and mellow the skin 

Exfoliation or evacuation of dead skin cells is significant for the skin, notwithstanding being valuable in eliminating dead skin cells exfoliation can likewise smooth, reestablish lopsided skin tone, and wipe out pimples.

Add a few drops of apple vinegar to the clean blend, at that point apply on the face. The expansion of apple vinegar will make the face milder. The substance of Alpha Hydroxy Acid in apple vinegar sheds the skin surface from heaps of dead skin cells and animates the development of new healthy skin cells. The acidic Acid substance can likewise mellow the skin.

5. Soothe sunburned skin

Exposure to ultraviolet light for too long makes the skin burn, peel, striped, or even irritated. Assignment content in apple vinegar can help reduce irritation, speed up the healing process, and can flatten the color of the face due to sunlight. How to use by mixing cold water and apple vinegar then compress wait up to 15 minutes then rinse.

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