
Importance of Healthy Eating for Teens

A healthy diet is very important to a teenager's overall health. During the teenage years, a child's body changes dramatically into the body of an adult. With such a drastic change, one's body needs as much nutrients as possible. Eating healthily insures that with this significant change, the teen's body can develop properly. Many teens find themselves becoming overweight or underweight throughout their teenage years. This can potentially harm their body's development. A proper diet will guarantee that their body will be neither be underweight, or overweight, and they will become a healthy, energetic adult.

Additionally, during the teenage years, teens with a healthy diet will find themselves with more energy. It is completely natural and healthy for teens to find themselves gaining more muscle mass during this time. In fact, activity is strongly recommended for teens to further help their constantly developing bodies.

Recently, it has also been discovered that healthy eating during teenage years can attribute to avoidance of diet-related diseases later in life. Such diseases include: heart disease, adult-onset diabetes, and some cancers. This only reinforces the fact that healthy eating is important where teens are concerned.

All of this is especially important to the anemic teen. Because of the lack of the proper amount of iron in their blood, the anemic teen has even more demanding dietary needs. Iron is an extremely important part of one's blood, as the lack of the proper amount of iron can cause fatigue, lower body temperature, and in extreme cases, fainting spells. The proper diet can insure that the anemic teen can stay healthy, develop properly, and eventually even overcome their disease.

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