
Determining Caloric Requirements

Determining Caloric Requirements ClipartWe are humans. That means that all of our bodies are different. The variety of activities we do every day differs for every one of us. Because of this, determining a calorie requirement for all teens is impossible. Many factors come into play when determining caloric requirements, such as gender, age, height, and weight. Most of these are uncontrollable (age, gender). However, the amount of time you spend expending energy in a day is totally up to a person. In order to determine an appropriate caloric requirement for you, there are many steps that should be taken to avoid getting an incorrect estimate.

Determining Caloric RequirementsUsing a BMi calculator can help you to discover where you stand with your body right now. An easy to use BMi calculator to help you discover your BMi can be found here. BMi stands for body mass index. Body mass index is the percentage of body weight that is fat. A BMi calculator does this by factoring in your current height and weight, and then giving you a percentage. This percentage can be compared to a table, so the user can determine if they are at a normal percentage, overweight, or underweight.

In addition to that, it would be smart to use a calorie calculator. A calorie calculator will determine how many calories you should intake a day. The special thing about the calorie calculator, however, is that not only does it record calories that you should intake per day, it also takes into account calories that you expend per day. It also factors in weight. A calorie calculator could be found here. Don't forget to take into account other factors, which include gender and age. Some calculators offer it, while others don't- so be careful! If the calculator doesn't specify gender or age, take some time to look into the differences between men and women of different ages.
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